

Thursday, February 13, 2014

First Post

After struggling with the idea of a "blog" for awhile (reasons ranging from my own insecurities and my apt to laziness), I've decided to make my attempt at this outlet.  I've been writing for a few years, a mixture of poetry, essays and short stories, but they have mostly been left to collect e-dust among the lonely shelves of my computer.

That being said, I don't know how this is going to go, it will probably be a mixture of everything. I cannot promise perfect quality--but I will do my best, I'm just tired of having words circling around my head without putting them forth.

So, the lucky/unlucky reader of this blog will suffer the consequences of my restless imagination, and I will get somewhat of a relief as well as share what artistic expression I have with others (which to me, is one of the key points of art).

I appreciate you taking the time to read this, and will surely let you know through some form of social media when I post again.

Take care!